Site map General Consumer Affairs Victoria Housing Renting 2021 Victorian rental laws changes Transition to new renting laws Starting and changing rental agreements Different rental agreements Residential rental agreements Rooming house rental agreements Residency in a caravan park Site agreements in residential parks and villages Sub-letting Boarding Holiday accommodation Commercial and retail leases Accommodation not covered by renting laws Co-renting (renting with other people) Applying, signing and moving in Applying for a property Knowing your rights when signing an agreement (lease) Checklist: Signing a site agreement Setting up utilities and services Renewing a rental agreement (lease) People moving in and out Transferring a rental agreement (lease) Transferring and assigning residency rights for caravans and site agreements Ending a co-renting arrangement Ending a sub-let arrangement Increasing the number of people in a room Using a property manager or real estate agent Resources and guides for renters Resource and guides overview Renters guide Rooming house residents guide Caravan park guide Movable dwelling guide Rent, bond, bills and condition reports Rent Rent payments and rent in advance Late or unpaid rent (rent arrears) Rent increases Challenging rent increases or high rent Rent changes in rooming houses Rent increases in site agreements Rent calculator Bond Bond amounts and payments Lodging the bond with the RTBA Bond claims and refunds Bond top-ups Changing renters' names on the bond Resolving bond issues and disputes Bonds that have not been claimed Guarantees Illegal bond replacements Homes Victoria or RentAssist bond loans Paying for utilities and services Condition reports Repairs, alterations, safety and pets Minimum standards Rental properties - minimum standards Checklist: Rental properties minimum standards Renters' rights when minimum standards are not met Rooming house - minimum standards Repairs Repairs in rental properties Repairs to communal park facilities Repairs under a park site agreement Temporary accommodation during repairs Pests, infestations and mould Renters making changes to the property Gas, electrical and water safety standards Rental providers: gas and electrical safety Efficiency standards for replacement appliances and fixtures Rooming house operators: gas and electrical safety obligations Keeping the property safe Locks and security Smoke alarms and fire safety Swimming pools and spas - safety Pets in rental properties Moving out, giving notice and evictions Giving notice as a renter Renters giving notice of intention to vacate Rooming house resident giving notice of intention to vacate Caravan park resident giving a notice of intention to vacate Site tenant giving notice of intention to vacate Notice to vacate Notice to vacate in rental properties Notice to vacate in a rooming house Notice to vacate to a caravan park resident Notice to vacate to a site tenant If a caravan or residential park is closing Challenging a notice to vacate Evictions and immediate notice Evictions and possession orders Immediate notice for violence, dangerous behaviour and serious damage Violent or dangerous behaviour in a rooming house – immediate notice Violent or dangerous behaviour in a caravan park – immediate notice Leaving a rental property early or without notice (breaking the lease) Renter abandoning a property Goods left behind by renters If a renter or rental provider dies Rental providers inspecting or entering a property Rental providers’ (landlords’) entry rights and responsibilities Rooming house operator entry rights and responsibilities Caravan park and site owners’ entry rights and obligations Family violence when renting Changing the rental agreement because of family violence Changing the locks because of family violence Installing security devices because of family violence Repairs after damage due to family violence Removing your name from renter databases (blacklists) because of family violence Support for people experiencing family violence Information for excluded renters or residents Legal and dispute support When a renter or rental provider (landlord) breaks the law Penalties - renting Unlawful discrimination in renting Resolving renting disputes Renter (tenant) databases Rental provider (landlord) register RTBA Online: guides for rental providers and renters Property manager guide - lodging a bond RTBA enquiries form Property manager guide - claiming a bond Property manager guide - transferring tenants Property manager guide - getting started with RTBA Online Property manager guide - administrators' guide Renter's guide - RTBA Online Property manager guide - lodging Homes Victoria bonds Property manager guide - how to correctly record rented property address details Property manager's and tenant's guide - how to correct bond details submitted by paper Renter's guide - how to update your contact details (email and mobile number) Property manager guide: Claiming a bond with a VCAT order Property manager guide - Claims initiated by a renter Registered rental provider guide - What happens when an electronic claim is initiated by a renter Registered rental provider guide - How to contest a claim initiated by the renter Registered rental provider guide - How to view a claim initiated by the renter What happens next Unregistered rental provider guide - What happens when an electronic claim is initiated by a renter Unregistered rental provider guide - How to contest the claim initiated by the renter What happens next Unregistered rental provider guide - How to check the status of the bond claim initiated by the renter Property manager guide - Lodging a modification bond Renters guide - How to initiate contest or cancel claim for bond Overview of a claim initiated by the renter How a renter claims a private bond How a renter claims a Homes Victoria bond What happens after a renter initiates an electronic claim transaction How does a renter check the status of an electronic claim initiated by the renter How a renter can contest a pending bond claim initiated by another renter How does a renter cancel an electronic bond claim once initiated? Buying and selling property Buying property Planning to buy property Research types of property to buy Buying off-the-plan Seek expert advice on property High-risk property investments New Sale of Land (Exemption) Regulations 2020 Inspect properties before you buy Buying property at auction Buying property by private sale Property settlement Overview Before property settlement Settlement Building problems after settlement Selling property Preparing to sell your property Selling property with or without an agent Property sales method and price Selling property by private sale Selling property by auction Property deposits for sellers Conveyancing and contracts for sellers Conveyancing and contracts for sellers content 2 Property settlement Understanding property prices and underquoting for buyers Property data Compensation claims Checklists Due diligence checklist Buying property Buying an apartment or unit Selling property Definitions Building and renovating Plan and manage your building project Managing project costs About builders, tradespeople and other building practitioners Building consultants Getting quotes Choosing a building team Communicating with your builder Contracts Pre-construction contracts Domestic Building Consumer Guide Foundations Deposits and payments Plans and permits Building progress Owner builders Building defects, delays and insolvency Disputes, defects and delays Warranties and guarantees Insurance and insolvency Checklists Building a home with a large building company Building a home with a smaller building company Owner builders Home improvements costing $10,000 or less Extensions and renovations costing more than $10,000 Outdoor home building projects Building contracts Changing a major domestic building contract Getting out of a building contract Plans and permits Implied warranties and domestic building insurance Paying for building work During construction When building work is complete Definitions Find information for your building project Find information for your building project Owners corporations (formerly body corporate) Buying into an owners corporation What is an owners corporation? Two-lot subdivisions Multiple owners corporations Activating your owners corporation Company title and stratum title Meetings and committees Committees Role of chairperson Role of secretary Running meetings Annual general meeting Voting and ballot guidelines Working with your owners corporation manager Tiers Rules for owners corporations Which owners corporations have rules? What can an owners corporation make rules about? How to make owners corporation rules Enforcing owners corporation rules Model rules Communication about rules Making rules to ban short stay accommodation Short-stay accommodation - laws to prevent unruly parties Property maintenance Maintenance plan Maintenance surveys, inspections and reviews Maintaining and improving common property Maintaining and renovating individual lots Developers' obligations Finance, insurance and record keeping Financial management Fees Maintenance fund Tax Insurance Records Complaint handling and resolving disputes Resolving disputes - company title and stratum title Definitions Retirement villages Choosing a retirement village What is a retirement village? Before choosing a retirement village Before signing a retirement village contract Types of retirement village contracts Cancelling a retirement village contract Public register of retirement villages Living in a retirement village Having a say in your retirement village Resolving disputes in your retirement village Organisations that help retirement village residents Leaving a retirement village Selling your retirement village strata unit Exit entitlements and aged care accommodation payments Ongoing charges when you leave a retirement village Can a retirement village operator make you leave the village? Fees and charges Entering a retirement village Living in a retirement village Leaving a retirement village Residential parks Specialist disability accommodation (SDA) For SDA providers Obligations of SDA providers - what you need to do Changes to the law Main differences between the types of agreements Starting an agreement with an SDA resident Notifying us of SDA agreements and notices Rental payments in SDA Checklists for SDA providers Existing residential statements Resources for SDA providers Organisations that can help SDA providers Responsibilities of SDA providers during a residency Repairs and maintenance in SDA Rent, bond and other costs in SDA Community visitors, record keeping and entry rights Notices during an SDA residency Extending an agreement in SDA How to end an agreement in SDA Notices to end an SDA residency Goods left behind in SDA For SDA residents What you and your provider need to do Changes to the law Main differences between the types of agreements Starting an agreement with your SDA provider Paying rent in SDA Checklists for SDA residents Residential statements under the Disability Act 2006 Resources for SDA residents Organisations that can help SDA residents Responsibilities of SDA residents during a residency Repairs and maintenance in SDA Entry into your SDA room or property Rent, bond and other costs in SDA Community visitors to SDA Notices during an SDA residency Complaints in SDA Extending your agreement in SDA How to end an agreement in SDA Notices to end an SDA residency Goods left behind in SDA For SDA support people What SDA providers and residents have to do What you need to know as an SDA support person Checklists for SDA support people Resources for SDA support people Resources for support people content 1 Organisations that can help SDA support people Responsibilities during an SDA residency Community visitors and record keeping Notices during an SDA residency Complaints in SDA Extending the agreement in SDA Extending the agreement in SDA support people content 1 How to end an agreement in SDA Notices to end an SDA residency Goods left behind in SDA Consumers and businesses Products and services Refunds, repairs and returns Guarantees that apply automatically Warranties Types of warranties Repairs and replacements under warranty Expired warranty Warranty cards Rejecting and returning products Chargeback Receipts and other proof of transaction Sales, seconds, factory outlets, second hand - refunds Sales items - refunds Seconds or samples - refunds Factory outlets - refunds Second hand items - refunds Linked products and services Insolvency Damages and compensation Problems with a product Faulty product Products missing or damaged in transit Does not match the sample, description or demonstration model Does not do what the salesperson said, or the consumer asked for Caused damage to other property Cannot be repaired Does not have clear title Store or manufacturer responsibility Uncollected goods and vehicles Uncollected goods explained Disposing of uncollected goods When not to dispose of uncollected goods Written notice of intent to dispose Relevant charge Records of disposal Problem with a service Services not done with due care and skill Services not fit for a particular purpose Services took too long Services caused damage to property Cancelling a contract for services Booking travel Energy products and services Solar energy Price comparison services Embedded electricity networks Tips about energy products and services Resolve your energy retail problem Energy and water efficiency Smart meters Online shopping Buying from a private seller online Buying from an Australian business online Buying from an overseas seller online Safety tips Group buying and daily deals Penny auctions Business practices Lay-bys Gift vouchers and gift cards Store policies Change of mind 'No refund' signs Bag search policies 'You break, you buy' policies Original packaging Fees for browsing or trying things on - 'showrooming' Contracts Unfair contract terms Case studies - unfair contract terms Carpet and curtain businesses Health and fitness centres Mobile phone providers Vehicle hire businesses Guidance for tourism businesses Recreational businesses liability Advertising and promotions Misleading or deceptive conduct Pricing Information standards False or misleading representations Health claims Cash back free trials and bonus offers Door to door sales and telemarketing Door-to-door sales Telemarketing Referral selling Harassment and coercion Supply without a consumer request Unsolicited consumer agreements Pyramid schemes Country of origin claims Country of origin claims explained Criteria for country of origin claims Substantial transformation Egg labelling Parallel imports Penalties for businesses Australian Consumer Law Competition and Consumer Act 2010 Schedule 2 Penalties - Australian Consumer Law and Fair Trading Act 2012 (Vic) Product safety Banned products and recalls Report an unsafe product Curtain and blind cord safety Play it safe at home Quad bike safety Product safety checklist for markets Cars Buying a new car Before you buy a new car Compare options Loans and finance Contracts and deposits Insurance 'Cash price' and 'drive away price' Pre-delivery check Additional fees and charges Cooling-off period Warranties Rent-to-buy and novated leasing Running costs and depreciation Buying a used car Before you buy a used car Compare options Loans and finance Service history and mechanical inspection Unregistered vehicles Determining the age of the car Vehicle status check Insurance Ways to buy a used car Licensed motor car trader Private seller Online Auction Rent-to-buy Novated leasing Motor car broker Additional fees and charges Cooling-off period Warranties Running costs and depreciation Maintenance and repairs Services and repairs If you are not happy with a repair Maintaining your car Damage by contaminated fuel Getting your car towed Failing to collect your vehicle Selling a car Car hire Compensation claims Parking payment notices in private car parks Scams Avoiding scams If you are scammed Scam Savvy Real stories Fake tradies Consumer scams Online selling scam Romance scam Rental scam Rebate scam Investment scam Lottery scam Small business scams Unauthorised advertising scam Overpayment scam Computer repair scam Threat-based scams Domain name scam Unsolicited office supplies scam Scams quiz Scam quiz question descriptions Scam quiz questions Business resources License or register a business Identity verification Records checks - licensed and registered businesses Spent convictions Small business Better business toolkit Complaint handling Australian Consumer Law resources Develop a code of conduct About voluntary industry codes Drafting an effective code Compliance and monitoring Annual review report example Triennial review report example Dealing with debt collectors Licensing and registration About myCAV - Registration and licensing Automatic mutual recognition AMR notification List of automatic mutual recognition notifications Builders and tradespeople Becoming a registered building practitioner Running your business Working with your client Giving quotes Quality control and complaints During construction and building completion Preliminary agreements Domestic building contracts Laws about home building contracts What work requires a building contract? Preparing a major domestic building contract Cooling off on a building contract Changing a domestic building contract price Deposits and payments Warranties and insurance Domestic building insurance Implied warranties on home building work Forms and notices Resolving building disputes Discuss the issue with your client Put your concerns in writing Apply to DBDRV Penalties Checklists Becoming a registered building practitioner Pre-construction contracts Preparing a major domestic building contract Implied warranties and domestic building insurance Taking payments for building Working with your building client Definitions Caravan and residential park operators Park registration Residency, site agreements, holiday stays Site agreements - park operators' rights and responsibilities Caravan park residency Rent, rules, repairs Residents' committees and resolving disputes Closing a caravan park or residential park Fake tradies and scams Conveyancers Apply for a licence Individual licence Company licence Mutual recognition of interstate and New Zealand licences Sale of business Disqualification and permission Running your business Maintain your licence Update licence details Annual statement and fees Professional indemnity insurance Suspension and cancellation Office management and staffing - conveyancers Electronic settlement of property transactions Trust accounts Trust, transit and controlled moneys Opening a trust account Receiving trust money Payments from trust accounts Accounting for trust money Auditing trust accounts Rules of professional conduct Costs disclosure Complaint handling and dispute resolution Penalties Public register Fees and forms Co-operatives What is a co-operative? Register a co-operative Names, rules and disclosure statement Formation meeting Apply to register a co-operative Change from an incorporated body to a co-operative Responsibilities of a co-operative Make changes to a co-operative Membership rights and responsibilities Handling disputes in a co-operative Merge with or take over a co-operative Wind up a co-operative Search for a registered co-operative Penalties Fees and forms Debt collectors Become a debt collector Banned debt collection practices Restrictions Penalties Estate agents Agents' representatives Licensing Apply for a licence Individual Company Previously held a licence Interstate and New Zealand licences Overseas licences Maintain your licence Update details Annual statement and fees Licence cancellation Disqualification and permissions Obligations under mutual recognition Running your business Property management Working with your clients - Best practice tips for property managers Property management - Agreements and bonds Information for property managers - Repairs and maintenance Family violence - information for property managers Self assessment checklist Advertising and representations Underquoting information for real estate agents Authorities, commissions and contracts Authorities, rebates and commission Contracts and disclosure statements Office management and staffing Establishing an estate agency Managing an estate agency office On-site estate agency offices Responsibility for estate agency staff Absence from an estate agency office Keeping estate agency records Trust accounts What is a trust account? Opening a trust account Receiving trust money Payments from trust accounts Accounting for trust money Auditing trust accounts Professional conduct Professional conduct and obligations Conducting a real estate auction Acting for a client Restrictions on buying a listed property Reporting unregistered rooming houses Estate agent licence lending Complaint handling and dispute resolution Definitions Penalties Public register Fees and forms Funeral providers Registration Registration and changes - funeral providers Funeral providers online form - registration Funeral providers online form - change of registration details Running your business Price list requirements Customer quotation Pre-paid funerals Complaints handling procedure Sample complaints handling procedure Penalties Public register Introduction agents Become an introduction agent Introduction agreements Restrictions and penalties Limited partnerships Types of limited partnership Register a limited partnership Register a limited partnership Limited partnership online form Change a limited partnership End a limited partnership Search for a registered limited partnership Fees and forms Motor car traders Licensing Apply for a licence Associates Customer service employees Auto wreckers and recyclers Maintain your licence Annual statement and fees Update licence details Surrender or cancellation Disqualifications and permissions Unlicensed motor car trading Running your business Self assessment checklist Obligations - all car sales Obligations - used car sales Professional conduct Complaint handling and dispute resolution Auction house guidelines Definitions Penalties Public register Motor Car Traders Guarantee Fund claims register Motor Car Traders Guarantee Fund claims admitted 2024-25 Motor Car Traders Guarantee Fund claims admitted 2023-24 Motor Car Trader Guarantee Fund claims admitted 2022-23 Motor Car Traders Guarantee Fund claims admitted 2021-22 Motor Car Traders Guarantee Fund claims admitted 2020-21 Motor Car Traders Guarantee Fund claims admitted 2019-20 Motor Car Trader Guarantee Fund claims admitted 2018-19 Motor Car Trader Guarantee Fund claims admitted 2017-18 Claims admitted 2016-17 Motor Car Traders Guarantee Fund claims admitted 2015-16 Claims admitted 2014-15 Claims admitted 2013-14 Claims admitted 2012-13 Claims admitted 2011-12 Claims admitted 2010-11 Fees and forms Owners corporation managers Registration Apply for registration Update details Annual statement and fees Professional indemnity insurance Cancellation Disqualification and permission Running your business Contract, duties and powers Rules of professional conduct Financial information Disclosure Financial reporting Auditing of financial statements Bank accounts Voting by proxy Reporting Complaint handling and dispute resolution Overview Internal dispute resolution Dispute resolution through the Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria (DSCV) Applying to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) Penalties Public register Fees and forms Changes to the Owners Corporations Act from 1 December 2021 Professional engineers Who needs to be registered? Were you previously registered with the Victorian Building Authority? If you want to work in the building industry Registration Apply for registration and endorsement Before you apply Registration and endorsement steps How to apply for registration and endorsement After you lodge your application Applying for additional areas of engineering Mutual recognition of interstate and New Zealand registration Maintain your registration and endorsement Renew your registration and endorsement Update your details Changing your type of registration Annual endorsement statement Surrender, suspension or cancellation of your registration or endorsement Professional conduct Public register Assessment schemes - Apply for approval Public record of assessment entities Fees and forms Penalties Definitions Retirement village operators Register a retirement village Change retirement village details Extinguish a charge or cancel a notice Good practice protocols Overview Changes to services Maintenance Service and capital charges Annual financial statement Marketing procedures Ongoing charges Refurbishment and reinstatement Internal dispute resolution guidelines Overview Manager's obligations Internal dispute resolution document Recording information Annual reporting responsibilities Unresolved complaints and disputes Factsheets and forms Rooming house operators Licensing - Rooming house operators Rooming house operators licensing scheme Rooming house operator licensing disqualification Apply for a licence Refusal of licence Update licence details Renew a licence Running your business Running your business What must an operator give a new resident? Checklists for rooming house operators Rooming house inspections Closing a rooming house Definitions Penalties Public register Fees and forms Second-hand dealers and pawnbrokers Scrap metal laws Registration Apply for registration and endorsement Maintain/renew your registration Annual statement and fees Update details Surrender or cancellation Trading in cars and car parts Exemptions Disqualification and permission Associates Running your business Signs, notices and pawn tickets Evidence of identity Guarantees and product safety Disputes about ownership of second-hand goods Keeping records Loan period, storage, disposal and redemption of goods Residual equity Pawnbroker charges and restrictions Traders checklist Aboriginal heritage information Regulation Penalties Public register Fees and forms Sex work service providers Decriminalising sex work in Victoria Legislation and regulation Travel agents Clubs and fundraising Incorporated associations What is an incorporated association? Incorporated association registration process Application to incorporate an association Using myCAV for incorporated associations Running an incorporated association Rules Annual reporting Step-by-step summary Financial statements and auditing Lodging an annual statement Update details Membership Secretary, committee, office holders, and delegates Secretary Committee and committee members Office holders Delegates Meetings Resolving disputes Cancel, wind up or amalgamate Search for an incorporated association Penalties Fees and forms Fundraisers Search for a registered fundraiser What is a fundraiser? Registration Register as a fundraiser Renew registration Change registration details Exemptions from registration Beneficiaries Conditions on registration Refusal of registration Charities Change in charity status Fundraiser roles Responsibilities Fines Patriotic funds What are patriotic funds? Establish a patriotic fund Establish a patriotic fund Patriotic fund online form - registration or amalgamation Trustee responsibilities Trustee obligations and tips Change of fund or trustee details Patriotic funds online form - change of details or transfer of assets Annual statement reporting Requests for further information Trustee also incorporated association Annual statement audit requirements Using patriotic funds What can patriotic funds be used for? Transfers and donations Investing and spending patriotic funds Keeping bank accounts Close or amalgamate a patriotic fund How we enforce the law Patriotic funds laws Compliance and enforcement Investigation powers Enforcement powers Working with trustees Appealing director decisions Funded services and grants Victorian Property Fund grants Rental Stress Support Package Financial Counselling Funding Round 2024-25 Victorian Property Fund grants Victorian Property Fund grant application guide Guidelines for Housing Assistance Grants Acknowledgement and publicity guidelines - government funding support Housing funding round 2018-19 Environmentally sustainable housing funding round 2017-18 Financial Counselling Program 2021-24 Financial Counselling Program Service delivery model induction tool Overview Practice elements Interagency casework referrals Client services Non-client services Updates A revised service delivery model proposal for generalist financial counselling services Financial Counselling Program providers Tenancy Program 2021-24 Tenancy Program Tenancy Assistance and Advocacy Program Tenancy Assistance and Advocacy Program providers Tenancy Central Service Retirement Housing Assistance and Advocacy Program Consumer Program 2021-25 Resources and tools Forms and publications Legislation Legislation we administer Public consultations and reviews Property market review New regulations governing incorporated associations in Victoria New rooming house and rental properties minimum standards Other languages Other languages Amharic Overview Travelling con men Avoiding scams Buying a car Mobile phone contracts Your shopping rights Door-to-door sales Your renting rights and responsibilities Arabic Overview Avoiding scams Smoke alarms and fire safety Rental properties minimum standards Rental providers: gas and electrical safety Buying a car Mobile phone contracts Model rules for an incorporated association - Arabic Travelling con men Underquoting My consumer rights videos Your shopping rights Door-to-door sales Your renting rights and responsibilities Assyrian Your renting rights and responsibilities Burmese Overview Avoiding scams Travelling con men Buying a car Mobile phone contracts Underquoting Your shopping rights Door-to-door sales Your renting rights and responsibilities Chinese - Simplified Chinese Simplified Overview Avoiding scams Smoke alarms and fire safety Rental providers: gas and electrical safety Rental properties minimum standards Mobile phone contracts Model rules for an incorporated association - Chinese Simplified Underquoting Travelling con men Buying a new car Your shopping rights Door-to-door sales Your renting rights and responsibilities Sex work decriminalisation resources Chinese - Traditional Overview Avoiding scams Smoke alarms and fire safety Rental providers: gas and electrical safety Model rules for an incorporated association - Chinese traditional Rental properties minimum standards Mobile phone contracts Underquoting Travelling con men Travelling con men chinese content 1 Buying a car Your shopping rights Door-to-door sales Your renting rights and responsibilities Minimum standards in rooming houses Chin Haka Overview Avoiding scams Mobile phone contracts Travelling con men Your shopping rights Door-to-door sales Your renting rights and responsibilities Buying a car Croatian Overview Avoiding scams Travelling con men Buying a car Mobile phone contracts Your shopping rights Door-to-door sales Your renting rights and responsibilities Dari Overview Avoiding scams Travelling con men Buying a car Door-to-door sales Mobile phone contracts Understanding renting - videos Your renting rights and responsibilities Your shopping rights Dinka Overview Avoiding scams Buying a car Mobile phone contracts Travelling con men Underquoting Your shopping rights My consumer rights videos Door-to-door sales Your renting rights and responsibilities English Overview Avoiding scams Rental properties minimum standards Fake tradies Buying a car Mobile phone contracts Underquoting Your renting rights Door-to-door sales Sex work decriminalisation resources Farsi Persian Overview Avoiding scams Travelling con men Buying a car Mobile phone contracts My consumer rights videos Your shopping rights Door-to-door sales Your renting rights and responsibilities Greek Overview Avoiding scams Smoke alarms and fire safety Rental providers: gas and electrical safety Rental properties minimum standards Travelling con men Buying a car Mobile phone contracts Model rules for an incorporated association - Greek Underquoting Your shopping rights Door-to-door sales Your renting rights and responsibilities Hazaragi Your renting rights and responsibilities Hindi Overview Avoiding scams Travelling con men Buying a car Door-to-door sales Mobile phone contracts Underquoting Your renting rights and responsibilities Your shopping rights Italian Overview Avoiding scams Travelling con men Buying a car Mobile phone contracts Underquoting Your shopping rights Door-to-door sales Your renting rights and responsibilities Japanese Your renting rights and responsibilities Karen Overview Avoiding scams Buying a car Mobile phone contracts Underquoting Your shopping rights My consumer rights videos Door-to-door sales Your renting rights and responsibilities Korean Overview Avoiding scams Travelling con men Buying a car Mobile phone contracts Your shopping rights Door-to-door sales Your renting rights and responsibilities Sex work decriminalisation resources Macedonian Overview Avoiding scams Travelling con men Buying a car Mobile phone contracts Your shopping rights Door-to-door sales Your renting rights and responsibilities Maltese Overview Avoiding scams Travelling con men Buying a car Mobile phone contracts Your shopping rights Door-to-door sales Your renting rights and responsibilities Nepalese Your renting rights and responsibilities Nuer Overview Avoiding scams Travelling con men Buying a car Door-to-door sales Mobile phone contracts Your shopping rights Door-to-door sales Your renting rights and responsibilities Portuguese Your renting rights and responsibilities Punjabi Overview Avoiding scams Mobile phone contracts Travelling con men Buying a new car Door to door sales Your renting rights and responsibilities Russian Overview Avoiding scams Travelling con men Buying a car Mobile phone contracts Your shopping rights Door-to-door sales Your renting rights and responsibilities Sinhalese Overview Avoiding scams Buying a new car Mobile phone contracts Travelling con men Underquoting Your renting rights and responsibilities Your shopping rights Somali Overview Avoiding scams Travelling con men Buying a car Mobile phone contracts Your shopping rights Door-to-door sales Your renting rights and responsibilities Spanish Overview Avoiding scams Travelling con men Buying a car Mobile phone contracts Underquoting Your shopping rights Door-to-door sales Your renting rights and responsibilities Swahili Overview Avoiding scams Travelling con men Buying a car Door-to-door sales Mobile phone contracts Your renting rights and responsibilities Your shopping rights Thai Rental properties minimum standards Rental providers: gas and electrical safety Sex work decriminalisation resources Turkish Overview Avoiding scams Travelling con men Buying a car Mobile phone contracts Underquoting Your shopping rights Door-to-door sales Your renting rights and responsibilities Urdu Avoiding scams موبائل فونز معاہدے – صارفین کے لئے مشورے Underquoting متحرک فراڈیئے Buying a new car آپ کے خریداری کے حقوق دروازے کی دہلیز پر اشیاء بیچنا Your renting rights and responsibilities Vietnamese Overview Avoiding scams Smoke alarms and fire safety Rental providers: gas and electrical safety Rental properties minimum standards Travelling con men Buying a car Land banking schemes Mobile phone contracts Model rules for an incorporated association - Vietnamese Underquoting Your shopping rights Door-to-door sales Your renting rights and responsibilities Advice in a disaster Victorian fire, flood and storm recovery Business recovery Buying and selling property Clean up, repairs and re-building Damaged vehicles Flood-damaged products Charity and fundraising Insurance, banking and financial hardship Price rip-offs Renting – disaster advice Caravan and residential park residents – disaster advice Travel accommodation, and event cancellations Online tools Consumers with a disability Your consumer rights Problems affecting consumers with a disability Problems affecting consumers with a disability content 1 How to protect your rights How we can help you Easy English factsheets Organisations that can assist Data sets Family violence International students Yarrka Barring - First Nations Renting and Consumer Rights Guidance Newsletters and social media Research studies Search public registers Rental non-compliance register About us Strategy and performance Strategic Plan 2023-26 Statement of expectations Statement of expectations 2021-23 Response to statement of expectations 2021-23 Statement of expectations 2023-24 Statement of expectations 2019-21 Response to statement of expectations 2019-21 Statement of expectations 2017-19 Response to statement of expectations 2017-19 Statement of expectations 2016-17 Response to statement of expectations 2016-17 Statement of expectations 2014-16 Response to statement of expectations 2014-16 Statement of expectations 2013-14 Response to statement of expectations 2013-14 Initiatives to reduce red tape Statement of Expectations Evaluation 2018 Leadership and organisational structure Stakeholder engagement Stakeholder Engagement Framework Regulatory and compliance approach and priorities Regulatory priorities 2023-24 Regulatory approach and compliance policy Our regulatory approach Our compliance policy About court actions About enforceable undertakings About public warnings About infringement notices About inspections Feedback and review Policy on publicising of our activities Services and feedback Unreasonable complainant conduct policy In focus Renting taskforce Engineered stone ban National Fundraising Principles Funds we administer Motor Car Traders Guarantee Fund Victorian Consumer Law Fund Victorian Property Fund Statutory bodies and committees we support Business Licensing Authority Business Licensing Authority enquiry Information and privacy Statement of expectations Business Licensing Authority 2023-24 Motor Car Traders Claims Committee Residential Tenancies Bond Authority Estate Agents Council publications and reports Sex Work Ministerial Advisory Committee Careers Scams quiz Scams quiz Latest news Events Newsletters Manage your subscriptions Unsubscribe Bobo&boo - Public warning Debt collector Panthera Finance Pty Ltd charged Qantas Airways Limited and Alpha Flight Services Pty Ltd - Court action Contact us Who to go to for help Resolve your problem or complaint General enquiry General complaint Residential accommodation complaint Domestic building complaint Estate agent complaint Product safety complaint Report an issue Report a scam Report unfair business practices Report an unlicensed motor car trader Report your rooming house concerns Emergencies and urgent issues Provide feedback about Consumer Affairs Victoria Media contacts Licence/Registration application upload myCAV myCAV home Link to an organisation Create a myCAV account Create myCAV account - registration number Forgotten/reset password myCAV - Incorporated associations RSS feeds Rss Back To Top