Organisations that can help SDA residents

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Organisation What they do Contact
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Commission – includes National Quality and Safeguards Commission

An independent agency that regulates the quality and safety of NDIS supports and services.

The Commission regulates NDIS providers, ensures national consistency and identifies areas for improvement.

1800 035 544

General information:


National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA)

An independent statutory agency that implements the NDIS.

The NDIS supports Australians with a significant and permanent disability.

1800 800 11

The Summer Foundation

Addresses issues in housing accessibility, availability and affordability.

The Foundation provides housing resources for residents, their families, carers and providers.

(03) 9894 7006

Victorian Advocacy League for Individuals with Disability (VALID) Represents adults with an intellectual disability and their families.

(03) 9416 4003

Action on Disability within Ethnic Communities (ADEC) Helps those from culturally diverse backgrounds with a disability, their carers and families to navigate the NDIS.

(03) 9480 7000

Office of the Public Advocate (Vic) Provides services to protect and promote the rights, interests and dignity of people with a disability.

1300 309 337

State Trustees Administers the financial and legal affairs of Victorians living with a disability. 1300 138 672

AMAZE Works with peer-support groups of people with autism to build their capacity to engage with the NDIS.

1300 308 699

Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council Provides support, information and resources to help people with mental health or emotional issues. (03) 9380 3900

Women with Disabilities Victoria
Provides support to inform and empower women with a disability. (03) 9286 7800

Youth Disability Advocacy Service Provides information for young people with disability, their families and carers about the NDIS. (03) 9267 3709