Financial Counselling Funding Round 2024-25

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The Victorian Government undertook a funding round to increase support for Victorians experiencing housing related financial challenges.

Funding will help address the high demand for financial counselling driven by cost-of-living pressures, increased rents, and natural disasters. The funding round will provide an immediate funding boost increasing the availability of financial counselling to Victorians.

Not-for-profit community service organisations with significant experience in delivering financial counselling and related services were invited to submit expressions of interest to deliver integrated and innovative responses to help people experiencing financial hardship due to mortgage or renting stress.

The process involved:

  • an expression of interest (EOI) process, where eligible respondents were invited to put forward proposals for initial assessment; and
  • a formal grant application process, where respondents with shortlisted proposals were invited to formally apply for a grant.

For more information on the funding round requirements and conditions, see the following documents:

How much funding was available?

$15 million has been allocated to agencies over 3 years, from 2024-25 until 2026-27.

Who was eligible?

The EOI was open to incorporated not-for-profit community service organisations with significant experience in the delivery of services to community members in relation to financial counselling, information and advice, advocacy services and/or community education.

Successful applicants

Successful applicants are listed in the table below: 

Grant recipient

Value approved (excl. GST)

Description of funded program

Banyule Community Health

2.1 FTE

Financial counselling
Meli Community
2.0 FTE
Financial counselling and community education
Cancer Council Victoria
1.8 FTE
Financial counselling and community education
Child and Family Services Ballarat
2.3 FTE
Financial counselling, wellness and coaching
Consumer Action Law Centre
3.0 FTE
Increase capacity of the National Debt Helpline
EACH $900,000
2.2 FTE
Financial counselling and capability
Finwell Support
3.0 FTE
Specialised financial counselling, wellbeing support and homelessness prevention
Mallee Family Care
3.2 FTE
Financial wellbeing and education
Mortgage Stress Victoria
3.45 FTE
Financial counselling and sector engagement
Ngwala Willumbong Aboriginal Corporation
1.0 FTE
Financial counselling
Primary Care Connect
2.0 FTE
Financial counselling and community education
South East Community Links
3.0 FTE 
Financial counselling
Tenants Victoria
2.0 FTE
Financial counselling and legal assistance
Thorne Harbour Health
2.0 FTE
Financial counselling
Victorian Aboriginal and Child Care Agency
2.6 FTE
Financial counselling and capability workshops
Women’s Legal Service Victoria
2.0 FTE
Financial counselling and social work