RTBA Online is a safe and secure system used to manage your bonds. With Electronic Transactions bonds can be lodged, claimed or transferred in a quick and convenient way. No more postal delays, filling out forms or signatures. Now, all your bond transactions will be managed in one place.
When you lease a property, your bond will be managed electronically, using RTBA Online. This includes bond lodgment, tenant transfers and claiming.
All electronic transactions follow a similar process and must be confirmed by all tenants before they can be finalised.
Here’s how.
You will be sent a text from RTBA VIC ET (if you provided a mobile number) and an email with a link to confirm the transaction. Click on the link and you will be directed to your secure transaction details, in this case a pending bond lodgment.
Review and accept the terms of use. If you do not accept, the lodgment will be cancelled and alternative arrangements must be made with your property manager.
Select ‘Review lodgment details’. Review the lodgment, ensuring all details are correct.
If the lodgment details are correct, select ‘Accept lodgment details’.
You will then see a confirmation page. Record your Electronic Transaction number as this can be used to track your transaction.
If changes to the lodgment are required, select ‘Request changes’.
Enter the correct details and select ‘Submit changes’. Changes to details other than your email address and mobile number will be submitted to the property manager for review. If they accept your amendments, the lodgment will be re-submitted and all tenants who have previously agreed must do so again.
If the property manager does not accept the changes, they can make their own amendments and resubmit with a comment.
Once all parties have accepted the transaction, the lodgment will be finalised and receipts sent to all parties.
If you do not respond to the link within 7 days, all parties will receive a reminder.
If you do not respond within 14 days, the lodgment will be cancelled and all parties will be notified.
For more information, go to rentalbonds.vic.gov.au or call 1300 137 164.