Who to go to for help

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If you are unsure who to contact, view the table below to find the most appropriate organisation to handle your matter.

Aged care


How they can help

Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission

Handles complaints about the quality of care or services being delivered to people receiving aged care services funded by the Australian Government, including:

  • residential aged care services, including permanent and respite care
  • Home care packages delivered on a Consumer Directed Care basis
  • flexible care where a person is receiving 'residential care' or 'home care'
  • the Commonwealth Home Support Program
  • the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program.

Banking and insurance


How they can help

Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA)

Handles complaints between consumers and member organisations on issues such as:

  • banking, credit and loans
  • general and life insurance
  • pooled superannuation trusts
  • timeshare
  • debt consolidation and refinancing.

On November 2018, AFCA replaced the former Financial Ombudsman Service, Credit and Investments Ombudsman and Superannuation Complaints Tribunal.



How they can help

Domestic Building Dispute Resolution Victoria (DBDRV)

An independent government agency that provides free services to help resolve residential domestic building disputes.

DBDRV can help resolve disputes concerning:

  • construction
  • alterations and renovations
  • extensions
  • associated building work such as garages, driveways, swimming pools and spas
  • demolition; and
  • some types of home repairs.

For more information, visit the DBDRV website.

Victorian Building Authority (VBA)

The VBA registers and regulates building practitioners (including registration and licensing for works over $10,000) and plumbers.

For more information, visit the VBA website.

Victorian Managed Insurance Authority (VMIA) 

The VMIA offers domestic building insurance (DBI) for builders in Victoria, which provides cover to homeowners for incomplete or defective building work.

Builders in Victoria must take out DBI, also known as builder’s warranty insurance, for work valued at more than $16,000.

For more information, visit the VMIA website.



How they can help

Consumer Affairs Victoria


Australian Business Registrar

Australian Business Numbers (ABNs)

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC)

National agency for fair trading and competition matters, including:

  • price monitoring
  • franchising
  • product labelling
  • industry codes.

Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)

Provides information about:

  • Australian companies
  • business names
  • financial services organisations
  • professionals who deal and advise in superannuation
  • investments
  • insurance
  • credit.

Office of the Victorian Small Business Commissioner

Handles disputes about commercial or retail leases and small businesses. For information and advice on running a business, visit Business Victoria's website.

Business licensing and registration


How they can help

Consumer Affairs Victoria



Victorian Building Authority

Register building practitioners and plumbers.

Energy Safe Victoria

Register Victorian electricians and gasfitters.


Licence to perform high-risk work.

Clubs, not-for-profits and fundraisers


How they can help

Consumer Affairs Victoria

We provide information and advice (including registration) about:

Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC)

The independent national regulator of charities:

  • registers organisations as charities and helps them meet their obligations
  • provides advice or acts on complaints about charities
  • maintains a free and public register on charities in Australia.



How they can help

Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission 

VEOHRC is an independent organisation with responsibilities under Victoria’s human rights laws. Their role is to protect and promote human rights in Victoria. When things go wrong or human rights are at risk, they support Victorians to exercise their rights by helping to resolve discrimination complaints and intervening in court cases.



    How they can help

    Fair Work Ombudsman

    Handles workplace complaints and enforces compliance with Australia's workplace laws.

    Fair Work Commission

    The national workplace relations tribunal. Hears and makes rulings on a variety of disputes, including:

    • termination of employment
    • minimum wages
    • employment conditions.

    Energy and water


    How they can help

    Consumer Affairs Victoria

    We can provide information and advice if the problem relates to:

    Energy and Water Ombudsman Victoria

    Handles disputes about gas, electricity and water providers, including:

    • billing issues
    • disconnections and restrictions
    • incorrect installation of smart meters.

    Energy Safe Victoria

    Information and advice about Victorian gas and electrical safety matters and laws.

    Solar Victoria Manages and determines eligibility for the Solar Homes Package rebates. 

    Financial counselling


    How they can help

    National Debt Helpline

    Provides confidential and free financial information and advice to help Victorians with debt problems, including difficulties paying:

    • household bills
    • rent
    • mortgage
    • credit card bills
    • fines.


    Provides free, independent guidance and budget tools to help you manage your money.



    How they can help

    Fines Victoria

    Processes fines issued by Victorian government agencies and authorities.



    How they can help

    Food Standards Australia New Zealand

    Regulates and provides information and advice on safety standards for all foods produced and imported for sale in Australia and New Zealand.

    Gambling and liquor


    How they can help

    Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission (VGCCC)

    Handles complaints about breaches of gambling and casino laws.

     Liquor Control Victoria Handles liquor licensing matters and complaints, including responsible service of alcohol requirements and proof of age cards.                 



    How they can help

    Health Complaints Commissioner

    Handles complaints about health service providers, including:

    • medical, hospital, nursing
    • dental
    • psychiatric
    • pharmaceutical
    • ambulance
    • community health
    • health education
    • drug rehabilitation
    • welfare and social work
    • therapeutic counselling.

    Private Health Insurance Ombudsman

    Handles disputes between private health insurance providers and:

    • health fund members
    • doctors and some dentists
    • hospitals
    • health funds.
    Therapeutic Goods Administration
    Handles complaints about medical devices and any adverse reactions in association with medicines (including complementary, over-the-counter or prescription) and vaccines.

    Housing and property


    How they can help

    Consumer Affairs Victoria

    We provide information and advice about:

    Foreign Investment Review Board

    Provides information to foreign investors about buying property in Australia.



    How they can help

    Consumer Action Law Centre

    Community legal centre that provides free legal advice and representation to vulnerable and disadvantaged Victorian consumers on matters including:

    • banking and credit disputes
    • debt collection
    • public transport fines
    • insurance.

    Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria

    Free dispute resolution for a range of issues, including:

    • fencing
    • trees
    • noise
    • tenant vs tenant disputes
    • owners corporation vs neighbour disputes
    • animals.

    Federation of Community Legal Centres

    Provides general legal information and advice at various Victorian locations.

    Insurance Law Service

    Free legal service to anyone in Australia for advice on insurance law and resolving disputes with an insurer.

    Law Institute of Victoria

    Does not provide legal advice but can refer you to the most appropriate solicitor for your problem. Also handles complaints about solicitors.

    Seniors Rights Victoria Provides a Helpline, specialist legal services, short-term support and advocacy for people experiencing elder abuse.

    Victoria Legal Aid

    Provides free legal assistance to Victorians who meet the eligibility criteria.

    Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT)

    Independent tribunal for Victoria that hears disputes and makes binding rulings.

    Victorian Legal Services Board and Commissioner

    Regulates the legal profession and handles complaints about lawyers.



    How they can help

    Victorian Ombudsman

    Investigates complaints about any Victorian government department, public statutory body or municipality.

    Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC)

    Victoria's first anti-corruption body responsible for identifying and preventing serious corrupt conduct across the whole public sector, including members of Parliament, the judiciary and state and local government.



    How they can help

    Postal Industry Ombudsman (PIO)

    Investigates complaints about Australia Post and other postal operators that are PIO members.



    How they can help

    Do Not Call Register

    Secure database where you can list your home phone, mobile or fax numbers to avoid receiving unsolicited telemarketing calls and faxes.

    Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner (OVIC)

    The primary regulator and source of independent advice to the community and Victorian government about how the public sector collects, uses and discloses information.

    Public transport


    How they can help

    Public Transport Ombudsman The Public Transport Ombudsman takes complaints about public transport in Victoria, both regional and metropolitan public transport. Your complaint may be about delayed or cancelled bus, train or tram services, myki and public transport ticketing issues, public transport staff including Authorised Officers, or other matters such as public transport maintenance and construction works.



    How they can help

    Consumer Affairs Victoria

    We provide information and advice to renters, rental providers (previously known as landlords) and property managers about renting rights and responsibilities in a property (includes rooming houses), caravan park and residential park, such as:

    Tenancy Assistance and Advocacy Program Provides dispute resolution help for Victorian tenants and residents in the private rental market who are financially disadvantaged or experiencing family violence.

    Tenants Victoria (previously Tenants Union of Victoria)

    Responsibilities include:

    • informing and educating tenants
    • improving the status and condition of tenants
    • representing and speaking for the collective interest of tenants in law and policy-making.

    Housing for the Aged Action Group

    Provides housing services and support for people 55 years and over.

    COTA Victoria                 

    Provides free information, via a volunteer-run phone line, about housing options for older people.

    Victorian Caravan Parks Association (VicParks)

    Provides a list of residential parks that are association members.

    State and Territory fair trading bodies

    Organisation  State/Territory 
    Access Canberra  Australian Capital Territory
    Office of Fair Trading  New South Wales 
    Consumer Affairs  Northern Territory
    Office of Fair Trading  Queensland
    Consumer and Business Services  South Australia 
    Office of Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading  Tasmania 
    Department of Commerce  Western Australia 



    How they can help

    Australian Taxation Office

    Australia's main revenue collection agency. Also provides information on matters, such as:

    • income tax
    • tax returns
    • ABNs
    • goods and services tax (GST).

    State Revenue Office

    Victoria's major tax collection agency. Also provides information on matters, such as:

    • first home buyer grants
    • stamp duty
    • unclaimed monies
    • land tax.



    How they can help

    Safe Transport Victoria

    Victoria’s transport safety regulator that managers accreditation, registration and compliance for commercial passenger vehicles. Their purpose is to help people travel safely on Victorian roads and waterways. They manage complaints and enquiries for:

    • Commercial Passenger Vehicles (Taxi, Uber and other commercial ride share services)
    • Buses
    • Maritime (including boats and jet skis)



    How they can help

    Consumer Affairs Victoria

    We can provide information and advice if you have an issue with a product that you have purchased outright, or as part of a bundle. For example, if the mobile phone you received with your plan becomes faulty. We also have information about mobile phone contracts.

    au Domain Authority

    Provides information and handles complaints about domain names and the .au domain space.

    Australian Communications and Media Authority

    Handles complaints about spam and content broadcast on television, radio and the internet.

    Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO)

    Handles disputes between small businesses/residential consumers and their telephone, mobile or internet service provider (if the provider is a TIO member). See the list of TIO members.



    How they can help

    Consumer Affairs Victoria

    We can provide information and advice about your rights when:

    • booking online
    • booking with an agent
    • a flight is cancelled
    • you book and do not get what you paid for.

    Airline Customer Advocate

    Handles disputes between consumers and participating Australian domestic airlines: Jetstar, Qantas, Rex, Tiger Air and Virgin Australia.