Annual review report example

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This is a hypothetical example only and will need to be adapted to meet the requirements of each code.

1. Name of the industry code:

Victorian Oyster Code of Conduct

2. List the code objectives and respective benchmarks mentioned in the code:



A. Retailer ensures oysters marketed as Victorian are grown in Victoria

Consumers of Victorian oysters can trace its origin to a Victorian location

B. Clear and uniform labelling of Victorian oysters

Transparency in the location of where the oyster was grown

C. Effective dispute resolution Accessibility






3. Using the respective benchmarks in Q2 above, please show evidence of the status of these code objectives:



A.Consumers of Victorian oysters can trace its origin to a Victorian location

250 cases of non-traceable oysters reported

B.Transparency in the location of where the oyster was grown

99 per cent of all subscribers are complying with the code's requirements


Has the code administration committee kept track of all the complaints?


Have all the complaints been dealt with in accordance with the principles outlined in the code?

Has the complaints handling procedure been reviewed regularly (at least annually)?


D. Effectiveness

Does the complaints handling scheme comply with AS4269 (Australian Standard Complaints Handling)?


4. How many oyster point of origin inquiries were received by oyster retailers?


5. How many complaints were received by the code administration committee during the last 12 months?


6. How many complaints were satisfactorily resolved by the code administration committee during the last 12 months?


7. Are there procedures for referring relevant complaints to other more appropriate forums? If so, what forums were these referred to?

Yes, 15 complaints were referred to the oyster industry ombudsman

8. Have any systemic issues that have become apparent from complaints been referred to relevant scheme members?


9. What were those systemic issues?

Issue 1: the oysters' origin could not be substantiated.

Issue 2: the documentation supplied with the oyster was not very easy to understand.

10. Are vexatious and frivolous complaints excluded at the discretion of the decision-maker?


  • Complainant should receive acknowledgment of complaint in five working days.
  • The Code Administration Committee should seek to resolve the complaint within 15 working days. If the complaint cannot be resolved it should be referred to a more appropriate forum.
  • The Code Administration Committee should work with the more appropriate forum to ensure the complaint is resolved within 30 working days.

11. What are the time limits set for each process? Do these timelines facilitate speedy resolution without compromising quality decision-making?


12. Are these time limits adhered to?


13. Are the parties kept informed of the progress of their complaint?


14. What were the outcomes of the complaints referred to the Victorian Oyster Association?

Eight complaints were resolved with the retailer to the consumers' satisfaction.

Two complaints were withdrawn by the consumers.