Consumer Affairs Victoria (CAV) recognises that good stakeholder engagement is vital to achieving our goals and the effective delivery of services to the Victorian community.
We understand the decisions we make and the actions we take in performing our role affect a wide range of individuals, businesses, communities, and organisations and that because of that, our stakeholders have a genuine interest in what we do.
Engaging with those impacted by our work helps us make better decisions and builds trust and confidence with our stakeholders.
We also recognise the insights and experience (including lived experience) that stakeholders can share to support our work in serving the Victorian public.
Stakeholder Engagement Framework
CAV developed its Stakeholder Engagement Framework in consultation with key stakeholders.
This framework will guide the delivery of best practice stakeholder engagement across CAV. Our aim is to achieve:
- improved communication, relationships and trust with stakeholders
- improved collaboration and knowledge sharing within CAV and with our partners
- improved identification of emerging issues and strategies to address them
- better insights to help us to understand stakeholder interests and issues and to consider those in our work
- improved operations and service provision
- an improved focus on those who need us the most
- increased transparency and accountability in how we operate.
To view the framework, see Stakeholder engagement framework.
Key engagement forums
CAV runs two standing forums as a mechanism to engage with key stakeholders on important issues.
Consumer and Renter Consultative Forum
As Victoria’s consumer regulator, CAV recognises the importance of listening to consumer voices.
The forum serves as a ‘consumer voice’ to CAV to improve our understanding of and response to the issues and challenges facing consumers and renters in the modern Victorian marketplace.
The forum is scheduled to meet three times per year to discuss and advise CAV on consumer and rental matters and engage with CAV on:
- emerging issues that may be of concern
- changes in the marketplace
- consumer experiences, especially for those experiencing vulnerability
- relevant reviews and reforms
- CAV strategies, work programs and operations
- other matters and relevant issues as requested by CAV.
The group will also provide support on:
- how to reach those experiencing vulnerability
- education and information collaboration to develop tools to assist consumers and renters.
Members include a diverse range of consumer and renter representatives. They have relevant experience and knowledge dealing with consumer and/or renting issues and representing the interests of community members.
Housing and Property Advisory Forum
Housing is a basic human need, an essential service and one of the largest cost of living expenses for most Victorian households.
CAV has a significant regulatory role to play in relation to housing and real estate in Victoria, spanning private renting (including rooming houses, caravan and residential parks and specialist disability accommodation), domestic building contracts, property sales, owners corporations, retirement villages and the conduct of professionals and service providers including estate agents, conveyancers, owners corporation managers and rooming house operators.
The forum will ensure that CAV keeps abreast of current and emerging issues in the property and housing marketplace affecting Victorians and is well placed to respond. It will also ensure a continued flow of advice from industry and consumers to government on important housing and property market matters.
The forum is scheduled to meet three times per year and will provide advice on:
- industry development
- compliance with sector wide reforms
- emerging issues that may be of concern
- changes in the marketplace
- issues/effectiveness with current regulation and ideas/possible solutions
- other relevant reviews and reforms
- other matters and relevant issues as requested by CAV.
Members include a diverse range of consumer representatives, community advocacy groups and industry bodies who can provide expertise and have experience dealing with consumer protection and rental and property market issues.