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  • 购物权

    Information in Chinese Simplified about consumers' shopping rights under the Australian Consumer Law.

  • Door-to-door sales

    A summary in English of consumers' rights when buying from door-to-door salespeople.

  • Buying a new car

    A summary in English of consumers' rights when buying and renting motor cars.

  • Waterdale Estate Agents – Court outcome

    12 Sep 2022 - West Melbourne-based Waterdale Property Agent Pty Ltd (ACN 121 837 581), trading as Waterdale Estate Agents, was convicted of breaching laws introduced to protect vulnerable renters during the first coronavirus wave.

  • Vic Solar Technologies and Sunny Srinivasan - Court outcome

    06 May 2021 - A solar panel retailer which made misleading representations to consumers and engaged in unconscionable conduct, among other breaches of the Australian Consumer Law, has been fined $3 million in the Federal Court, and its Director ordered to pay $450,000.

  • Francis Michael ‘Frank’ Cassar - Court action

    07 Sep 2011 - Consumer Affairs Victoria has succeeded in Supreme Court action against landlord Frank Cassar, over multiple breaches of residential tenancy laws and to protect residents who allege they have been subjected to threatening and intimidating behaviour.

  • Refunds, repairs and returns

    Guarantees, warranties, returns, sales, chargeback, receipts, linked products/ services, insolvency, compensation, repairs


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